.. index:: LinkedReproducibility .. _linkedreproducibility: LinkedReproducibility ------------------------ | Hashtag: ``#LinkedReproducibility`` | Twitter: https://twitter.com/hashtag/LinkedReproducibility * :ref:`Data Science` * :ref:`Knowledge Engineering` > :ref:`Linked Data` * :ref:`Units` > :ref:`RDF and Units` [:ref:`QUDT`,] * :ref:`Information Systems` * ELI5: Our data is probably already aware of a cure. * Cure: Win/Win solution .. note:: This page (``linkedreproducibility.rst``) is licensed with `CC0 1.0 `__ (Public Domain). Please do implement these ideas and specifications. -- `@westurner `__ .. index:: StudyGraph .. _studygraph: StudyGraph: Document Nodes and Link Edges ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We should use annotations with typed, reified edges to link between various studies with comparable and incomparable analyses. (e.g. :ref:`OpenAnnotation` :ref:`OA` :ref:`RDF` :ref:`OWL` with more data than threaded comments). - PDFs are the de-facto standard for scientific publishing - Many journals also / instead request HTML - PLoS, for example - Then, a "study" is a document - title -- ``__ - authors -- lead first (usu.) - schema.org/TODO -- author, creator, contributor - abstract - tags/labels/keywords are **edges** to a tag/label/keyword node - hierarchical - MESH - PyPI Trove Classifiers - folksonomy - tags - tags often require deduplication / part of speech normalization / de-pluralization / etc - Concept URIs - wikipedia, dbpedia, wikidata, etc - links to :ref:`Linked Data` - https://schema.org/Dataset - :ref:`CSVW` - :ref:`StructuredPremises` - What we lack are **structured edges/relations** between the actual studies - ex:confirms, ex:seemsToConfirm -> ex:confirmatoryEdge - [strength of association ["magnitude"]] - ex:reproduces, ex:seemsToReproduce -> ex:reproducibilityEdge - ex:refutes - ex:disproves - TODO: see the list i brainstormed - - frameworks for edges: - :ref:`networkx` - :ref:`rdf` - http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/qualified-relation.html - http://patterns.dataincubator.org/book/nary-relation.html - OpenCog AtomSpace (strength of association) * Develop best practices guidelines and and/or an :ref:`RDF` schema and vocabulary ("``repro:``) for linking between studies, their supporting data, and their collection methods with URIs. * developing vocabularies: + :ref:`semantic web tools` + :ref:`Git`, :ref:`GitHub Pages` + [ ] :ref:`schema.org` extension vocabularies * linked reproduciblity edges: + ``similarTo`` + ``concursWith`` + ``discordantWith`` + ``intendedToReproduce`` + ``reproduces`` * linked reproducibility classes and properties: * [x] schema.org/MedicalStudy, MedicalObservationalStudy, MedicalTrial * [ ] https://github.com/twamarc/ScheMed + http://schema.org/MedicalTrialDesign + http://schema.org/DoubleBlindedTrial + http://schema.org/InternationalTrial + http://schema.org/MultiCenterTrial + http://schema.org/OpenTrial + http://schema.org/PlaceboControlledTrial + http://schema.org/RandomizedTrial + http://schema.org/SingleBlindedTrial + http://schema.org/SingleCenterTrial + http://schema.org/TripleBlindedTrial * See: https://westurner.github.io/opengov/us/#personal-health-agenda TODO: - pandas 3402 - .. index:: StructuredPremises .. _StructuredPremises: StructuredPremises: Premises as structured data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - And then URIs for controls / study design - see schema.org/MedicalTrialDesign - [ ] these could/should be extended to all of science - logical premises (sequence of propositions) - i/o sequences - :ref:`nbformat` (IPython / Jupyter notebook format) - insufficient because we need stable premise permalinks (across versioned publishing URIs) - ``#premise-1`` - ``#premise-abc398f`` - conclusions (derivations) + this is a computation graph + it should have links (edges) to the datasets + https://schema.org/Dataset + "ENH: Linked Datasets (RDF)" https://github.com/pydata/pandas/issues/3402 + figures should have links (edges) to the datasets + permalinks to premises - #TenSimpleRules for Reproducibile Computational Research | http://www.ploscompbiol.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pcbi.1003285 | https://wrdrd.github.io/docs/consulting/data-science#tensimplerules-for-reproducible-computational-research - further questions - "downstream" studies / implementations - retraction management - decisions / policy predicated on said conclusions LinkedMetaAnalyses ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - You evaluated 10, I evaluated (the same / a different) 10 studies - PRISMA - | Homepage: http://www.prisma-statement.org/ - http://www.prisma-statement.org/PRISMAStatement/ - Checklist: http://www.prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20checklist.pdf - Flow Diagram: http://www.prisma-statement.org/documents/PRISMA%202009%20flow%20diagram.pdf - evaluation of controls - "the URI says they did a Triple Blind Study, but it doesn't sound like they had groups named just e.g. X, Y, and Z" - disqualified / questionable / etc - schema.org/MedicalTrial -> schema.org/ScientificTrial - C = Class (RDFS) - P = Property (RDFS) - :ref:`schema.org/ ` - [ ] C: MetaAnalysis - [ ] C: CriteriaBase type - [ ] C: Criterion - [ ] C: ScientificStudy - [x] C: MedicalStudy - [ ] C: MedicalObservationalStudy <- ScientificObservationalStudy - [ ] C: MedicalTrial <- ScientificTrial - [x] C: Dataset - When do we show? - Deadline - Only if you also produce your own meta-analyses - Only if we're doing Open Access (as required by stipulations of federal funding) RDF Example ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ :ref:`linked data` + :ref:`Reproducibility` => :ref:`Linked Reproducibility` :: Reproducibility ---\___ Linked Reproducibility Linked Data ---/ In :ref:`turtle` :ref:`rdf` syntax: :: :LinkedData rdf:type skos:Concept ; rdfs:label "Linked Data"@en ; schema:name "Linked Data"@en ; owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs ; . :Reproducibility a skos:Concept ; rdfs:label "Reproducibility"@en ; schema:name "Reproducibility"@en ; owl:sameAs ; owl:sameAs ; . :LinkedReproducibility a skos:Concept ; rdfs:label "Linked Reproducibility"@en ; schema:name "Linked Reproducibility"@en ; skos:related [ :LinkedData, :Reproducibility ] ; . .. index:: CSV, CSVW, and metadata rows .. _csv, csvw, and metadata rows: CSV, CSVW, and metadata rows ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * :ref:`CSV` -- Comma Separated Values * :ref:`CSVW` -- CSV on the Web ( :ref:`RDF`, :ref:`JSON`, :ref:`JSON-LD` ) * :ref:`RDF` -- Resource Description Framework * A two dimensional spreadsheet containing just data values (e.g. :ref:`CSV`) is a projection of an RDF graph which can be expressed as :ref:`CSVW`. A classic data table with 1 metadata header row (column label): .. list-table:: Table with 1 metadata header row :header-rows: 1 :stub-columns: 1 :class: table-striped table-responsive * - **column label** - sample - date - width - height * - - 1 - 2016-06-19T06:28:49-0500 - 20.0 - 30.0 * - - 2 - 2016-06-19T06:29:22-0500 - 40.0 - 50.0 * - - 3 - 2016-06-19T06:29:48-0500 - 60.0 - 70.0 A data table with 7 metadata header rows (column label, property URI path, DataType, unit, accuracy, precision, significant figures): .. list-table:: Table with 7 metadata header rows :header-rows: 7 :stub-columns: 1 :class: table-striped table-responsive * - **column label** - sample - date - width - height * - **property URI path** - `schema.org/name `__ - `schema.org/dateCreated `__ - [`schema.org/height `__, `schema.org/value `__] - [`schema.org/width `__, `schema.org/value `__] * - `schema.org/DataType `__ - `schema.org/Integer `__ - `schema.org/Date `__ - `schema.org/Float `__ - `schema.org/Float `__ * - Unit - - - unit:Meter - unit:Meter * - **accuracy** - - - - * - **precision** - - - - * - **significant figures** - - - \*.1 - \*.1 * - - 1 - 2016-06-19T06:28:49-0500 - 20.0 - 30.0 * - - 2 - 2016-06-19T06:29:22-0500 - 40.0 - 50.0 * - - 3 - 2016-06-19T06:29:48-0500 - 60.0 - 70.0 * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Significant_figures * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Accuracy_and_precision * :ref:`QUDT` ``unit:`` * http://www.qudt.org/qudt/owl/1.0.0/unit/Instances.html#Meter * http://prefix.cc/unit:Meter * These should be full :ref:`URIs ` ( :ref:`uris for units` ) References ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - TODO: @westurner - reddit - twitter - hackernews